Wide Video Walls

Touchless Touch

Turn any surface
into a touch screen *
Download Touchless Touch

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some of the more common questions that are often asked. If you cannot find your answer here then please contact us and we will try to help.

Can I use my XBox 360 Sensor
Yes, you can use the XBox 360 sensor, but you will need to purchase a power adapter and install the Kinect SDK

Can I use my XBox One Sensor
Yes, you can use the XBox One sensor, you just need to buy an adapter

Can I use my ASUS Xtion Pro Sensor
Yes, the software and sensor supports the OpenNI interface. This sensor will work correctly.

Can I use my Orbbec Astra Sensor
Yes, the software and sensor supports the Orbbec Astra and Orbbec Astra Pro sensor.

Can I use Touchless Touch outside?
Yes, as long as there is no direct sunlight near-by as this interferes with the sensors.

Can I use Touchless Touch through glass?
No, the infra-red light from the sensor will not work correctly.

Can I use Touchless Touch with a front or rear projected screen?
Yes, Touchless Touch will work correctly for both situations

Can I place the sensor on top of a projector looking at the screen?
Not really, but if the sensor is close enough (using a short-throw projector) then this should work

How do I remove the watermark from the screen?
You either register the software or un-install it.

Will Touchless Touch with with software ........
Touchless Touch makes windows believe there is a real touch screen connected. If the application is window touch compatible (or mouse compatible) then it will work

Sensor status says “Not Connected”
The software did not detect this sensor. If it is connected check that it is working.

Sensor status says “Busy”
The software attempted to connect to the sensor while it was starting up. This error should clear after a while.

Sensor status says “In Use”
The software attempted to use this sensor but it is in use by another application.

Sensor status says “Not Enough USB Bandwidth”
The software attempted to start this sensor but there was insufficient USB bandwidth to start it. This means there are too many other USB devices connected to the same USB controller. Or you have another sensor connected to the same USB controller.

Sensor status says “Not Powered”
The sensor was found but it requires an external power supply that has not been connected/not working.

Sensor status says “Not Calibrated”
The sensor was detected but it hasn’t been calibrated yet

I connected the sensors to different USB ports and the calibration is wrong
The software uses the USB port to identify the each sensor. If you swap two sensors USB ports the software cannot detect this and re-calibration is required.

Configuration dialog says service is not responding
The software is unable to communicate with the Touch service. Check that it is installed correctly and running

Touches are being detected while I am no where near the surface
Re-calibrate the sensors and carefully adjust the sliders at the end of the process. If you are unable to get to the calibration options because of the false touches simply cover the sensor cameras.

Touch detection is really lagging
A small amount of lag is expected due to the image processing. If this detection is very slow check the CPU resources being used by the application.

I am seeing more than one touch point when I touch the surface
If you are using more than one sensor try re-calibration. If this does not resolve the problem then increase the finger detection size until the problem stops

Touches are detected at the edge of the surface but no one is touching it.
The surface probably has raised edges. Adjust the border/edge clipping until this problem stops

Kinect drivers could not be found
The Kinect for Windows section of the installation did not complete successfully. Re-install this application and ensure this section is completed.

Primesense drivers could not be found
Please consult the documentation that came with the sensor. You may be required to copy Primesense drivers from the installation to the folder where you installed this software.

Calibration of points gets worse the further from the sensor I touch
Ensure your sensor is mounted correctly and flat to the surface. Each end of the sensor must be exactly the same distance from the surface/wall.

Not all fingers are detected on my hand
If you have only one sensor then some of your fingers will be obscuring others. If you are using multi-touch, add another sensor.

On Windows 7 calibration works but windows does not recognise touches.
The Windows 7 Multi-touch driver has not installed. Please un-install and re-install the software.

Calibration results in very poor accuracy
If your surface is slightly reflective or shiny then please see the section on Calibration with Reflective Surfaces

Windows or the software is not detecting my Kinect V2 Sensor
Check the known issues page

Calibration is giving poor results
Consult the manual for a step by step guide of the correct way to calibrate the software

Can I have the source code?
Sorry, the source code is not available.

Do you have a reseller in ....
We have a reseller programme available

Can you re-brand and white label this product to me?
Yes, we have a white label solution available

OpenNI, Primesense, Kinect for Windows YouTube  Facebook  Facebook 

Copyright © 2012-2025 RobSmithDev. Touchless Touch has been in development from early 2012 to make it the fantastic product it is today!
* Works with most flat surfaces, no guarantee is made that it will work with all surfaces. Does not act as a display, only as a touch digitiser